Monday, December 8, 2008

Way behind...

Way behind on blogging and everything else outside of work. Hoping to catch up on at least some of my projects like GAS and a few others, but my time has been pretty limited. So many ideas, so little time to finish them :( Definitely haven't given up on them, just been crunched moving and changing jobs and getting product out.

On the bright side, the product I've been helping with shipped :)

Also started playing a bit with Phidgets a little bit - really neat so far, and much simpler to use than many boards I've used in the past for I/O, although haven't had time to really do too much with 'em yet. Have many alternative-input ideas to try out with them, as well as wanting to make a poor-man's MIDI wind controller and a few farm monitoring/automation tools. Just need 48 hours in a day....

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